About NCSA
The club was initially formed as the North Carolina State University Soaring Club during the latter part of 1979 and officially incorporated in 1980. In 1985 the club changed its name to North Carolina Soaring Association and ended its ties to the University. The North Carolina Soaring Association. From 1986 through 2005, the club flew out of Harnett County Municipal Airport. In 2005 the club moved to Crooked Creek airport, outside of Dunn, North Carolina. We currently have over 50 club members. The club is operated by volunteers every weekend, weather permitting.
Instruction is provided to club members, at no charge, by club members who are FAA Certified Flight Instructors. Club members do pay for tow plane and glider fees during instruction.
The longest local cross country flight made by a club member was 320km. The highest altitude attained was about 8,000 feet (2,600 meters), and the longest duration flight was slightly over 6 hours!
The best way to learn about the club is to come out and visit us any weekend the weather is good enough to fly.